The warning of a high US general about “the global order”

The warning of a high US general about the global

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milleyassured the CNN that all the “Global international security order” established after World War II is at stake if Russia escapes “without cost” after its invasion of Ukraine that began last February.

“If this is left like this, if there is no response to this aggression, if Russia gets away with it at no cost, then the so-called international order also goes, and if that happens, then we are entering an era of seriously increased instability,” Milley said in an exclusive interview after a meeting organized by Lloyd Austin with allied countries at Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

The global international security order is at stake

He affirmed that the global international security order that was established in 1945 is in the air, having lasted 78 years and prevented the war of the great powers. “It is the idea that large nations will not carry out military aggression against smaller nations, and that is exactly what happened here, an unprovoked military aggression by Russia against a smaller nation,” Milley added.

In addition, he pointed out that it was “completely irresponsible” that any high-ranking leader of a nuclear power began to “rattle a nuclear saber”, at the moment when he was questioned whether the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, determined as “serious and real” the danger of a war nuclear.

Ukraine needs more security help

And it is that he argued that whenever a high-ranking leader of a nation-state begins to shake a nuclear saber, everyone takes it seriously. Last Monday, Lavrov exhibited that nuclear deterrence is the Russia’s “principled position”but indicated that the danger it is serious and real and cannot be underestimated.

Finally, Milley warned that Ukraine needs more security assistance to defend against a more decisive Russian attack in the east of the country, while adding that the coming weeks will be critical. Furthermore, it revealed that the US military is monitoring Russia’s nuclear threat together with “friends and allies.”
