The war of the word with Patrice Nganang

The war of the word with Patrice Nganang

Really, being Cameroonian is a job ! The author Patrice Nganang knows something about it, he even made a book about it.

Author of fifteen books including the famous Bad weather (Marguerite Yourcenar Literary Prize and Black African Literary Grand Prize 2002), Patrice Nganang teases the pen from the Big Apple, where he is head of the Department of African, African-American, and Caribbean Studies at the State University of New York, where he teaches literary and cultural theory. An academic who, between two lessons, scratches paper, like a player who does a double blow, since he puts two books on the bedside table: Mboudjak or the adventures of the philosopher dog and France’s first black presidentnovel of anticipation which approaches, with a smile on the lips, racism in France which would be more moral than political.

The musical choices of Patrice Nganang

Ennio Morricone The Ecstasy of gold

2pac Changes

Neg Bello NTC
