The war in Gaza may not be a decisive election issue – Kamala Harris was strict in her words, but she remained moderate in the matter | Foreign countries

The war in Gaza may not be a decisive election

Sharp criticism of Israel is an exception among Democratic candidates, the report shows. In some of the Libra states, the Gaza war can still become an important election issue.

Foreign policy is traditionally not a major election theme in the US presidential elections.

This year, the war in Gaza is still emerging as an election theme, at least to some extent.

When the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu gave a speech in the US Congress on Wednesday, about half of the Democratic representatives were somewhere else. Future presidential candidate Terrible Harris among them.

In front of the Congress, thousands demonstrated loudly against the Israeli Prime Minister.

It is still uncertain whether Israel’s military operation in Gaza will move voters to the extent that it would affect the outcome of the US presidential election.

Even a research doctor cannot answer the question with certainty.

– There is a difference between the generations in how they relate to Israel. Whether it affects the election result is a different matter, he says Niko Heikkilä. He is a researcher at the John Morton Center of the University of Turku.

Differences between generations

In a poll conducted a couple of years ago about sixty percent of those over fifty were sympathetic to Israel’s policies. Only forty percent of those under thirty.

Especially on university campuses, there have been loud protests since the war in Gaza started in October last year.

In the Libra states, even small swings in vote numbers can decide the game.

One example is Michigan, which has a large Arab-American minority. Their voices together with young people can be decisive.

That’s why pressure has been piled on Kamala Harris’ shoulders.

Harris has a freer hand

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris met with Prime Minister Netanyahu back-to-back in separate meetings on Thursday.

There were clear differences in the exits of Biden and Harris. Kamala Harris highlighted the suffering of civilians in Gaza more strongly, emphasized the two-state model, but at the same time vowed unwavering support for the state of Israel.

– Harris may not have the same political ‘burden’ in relation to Israel as Biden. Harris is not as ideologically committed as Biden, Heikkilä estimates.

Despite different formulations, Biden and Harris pressed Prime Minister Netanyahu on the same issues. A cease-fire with Hamas must be established quickly, and at the same time it must be decided how to manage Gaza after the war. The hostages must also be released.

In her speech in March, Kamala Harris called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza:

No concrete actions from Harris

Although Harris spoke more directly about the victims of Israel’s warfare, he did not present concrete means of putting pressure on Israel to achieve these goals.

A moderate line can be an advantage for the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party.

When the Brookings Institution studied the congressional primaries in connection with the opinions of the Democratic candidates, it turned out that the majority of the candidates had a moderate opinion of support for Israel.

Harsh criticism of Israel’s warfare and the use of the word genocide were a rare exception.
