The Walking Dead season 11 announces shocking zombie twist for the finale

The Walking Dead season 11 announces shocking zombie twist for

The trailer for the last eight episodes of The Walking Dead not only announces a final battle for the main characters around Daryl, Negan, Maggie and Co., but also a chilling revelation that will change the world of the zombie series from the ground up: The evolution of the undead has begun.

I’ve heard stories… from Walkers that climb walls and open doors be able.“, reports Aaron (Ross Marquand) at the end of the new trailer. This time, the whisperers disguised with biting masks are not meant. Because a few seconds later you see an undead climbing a wall.

A Whole New Kind of Zombie: The Walking Dead Season 11 goes back to the beginning

In the course of 11 seasons, The Walking Dead has already presented us with a number of variants of zombies: rotten, bloated, overgrown or even radioactive. But they were all mostly just a shambling threat with no skills to speak of. Shortly before the big series finale, that will now change. Could they Soon even arm the undead and thus become more dangerous than ever?

The Walking Dead – Season 11 Final Episodes Trailer (English) HD

For the series itself, this monumental development is actually a circular argument. Because in the first season, which was then still under the creative direction of Frank Darabont, the zombies were able to do more than just wander around and nibble on people. You could grab and pick things up – Morgan’s dead wife even tried to open a door. With Season 2, that decision was reversed.

But now The Walking Dead seems to be returning to its origins shortly before the end. After more than a decade since the resurrection of the first dead, a whole new and smarter way unleashed on the characters.


On the wall on the wait

Here is this not the first hint of a new zombie variant. The post-credits scene of the spin-off World Beyond already revealed that aggressive, loud and fast zombies are spreading fear and terror in Europe. Have they now found their way to Virginia?

The last eight episodes definitely have some surprises in store. A final fight against the Commonwealth and a huge horde of undead is in the finale, as the trailer reveals. It is not yet known what role the evolution of the walking dead plays in this. Probably will this new mystery only in the following spin-off series of the The Walking Dead universe explored in more detail.

When do the final episodes of The Walking Dead start on Disney+?

With a total of 24 episodes, the 11th season is not only the longest but also the final season of The Walking Dead. After 16 episodes have already been broadcast, the publication of the will now begin in autumn 2022 last eight episodes. It starts in the USA on October 2, 2022 at AMC. In Germany are the consequences every Monday from October 3, 2022 on Disney+ to see.

The Walking Dead: Is the ending doomed after 11 seasons?

The Walking Dead is coming to an end after 12 years and 11 seasons. In the Moviepilot podcast, we discuss the numerous problems of the final 11th season:

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We look back at the first 16 episodes and explore the strengths and weaknesses of season 11. With a view to the upcoming finale, we devote ourselves to the question: Can there still be a good finale for the greatest zombie series of our time in the last eight episodes?

Did the trailer get you excited for The Walking Dead finale?
