The Walking Dead Destinies is Released, Price is $40!

The Walking Dead Destinies is Released Price is 40

The Walking Dead Destinies, one of the most talked about games in the gaming industry in recent months, was released as of yesterday (December 1, 2023). The game’s previously released gameplay footage and “boss battles” remained on the agenda for a long time due to their poor quality. Despite this, The Walking Dead Destinies Steam price is set at $39.99; Moreover, this pricelaunch discount”. The original price of the game was set at $49.99, and a discounted price of $39.99 was determined by making a discount of around 20 percent on this price.

The Walking Dead Destinies is Released, Price is $40!

The Walking Dead Destinies was released yesterday (Friday, December 1). The full price of the game on Steam is $49.99 (1444 TL). Price with 20 percent exit discount $39.99 (1155 TL) falls to the level. While the image of the game is so bad, keeping the price so high has become another issue that has attracted the reaction of the players.

We made 3 days ago about the action, adventure, comic book, horror and zombie game developed by Flux Games and published by GameMill Entertainment; The Walking Dead Destinies Review Scores and Comments In our news, we told Mobile readers that the game was not liked at all.

PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S and Microsoft Windows (PC) Criticisms followed after the price of the game was extremely high. Many players stated that they found the price set to be exorbitant for “the game that can at least be tried at a low price”.

Steam Comments Are Also Negative!

Critics of the game industry, who had the game with early access, made negative comments about The Walking Dead Destinies. Gamers’ comments about the game, which took its place on Steam and other platforms as of the first day of December, were in this direction. The game, which received more than a hundred reviews in a day on Steam, “mostly negative” exposed to opinion average.

A foreign gamer, in his harsh criticism on Steam, said; He emphasized how high the level of disliking the game was by saying, “I have seen zombies smarter than those who developed this game.” It is predicted that the game, which has not been appreciated in almost any aspect, from its price to its system requirements, from its gameplay to its graphics, may be discounted in the near future. However, it seems difficult for this discount to be enough to sustain the game; because The Walking Dead Destinies is loved by many players. The worst games of 2023 shown in between.
