The waiter from Jönköping on tip reporting: “Should be clearer”

Last week was the last day to submit the returns for the income year 2023 to the Tax Agency. But as a restaurant employee, reporting the tip you get doesn’t feel like an obvious thing to do, says waiter Daniel Jonsson.

– I don’t think it sounds reasonable to report a tip, because I see it as a gift you receive from guests, he says.

Lacks clarity

He believes that there is no clarity from the Swedish Tax Agency, and that it is not easy to think about reporting tips because not many people understand that it is needed and is taxable just like the salary.

How do you handle tips at work?

– All the tips we get here at my workplace are shared between those who serve food and those who work in the kitchen.

In the clip above, Daniel Jonsson, waiter at restaurant Hemma in Jönköping, talks about how the tipping system has developed.
