the video at the Champ de Mars, the summary in 6 excerpts

the video at the Champ de Mars the summary in

MACRON SPEECH. Re-elected this Sunday April 24, 2022 President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron held a victory speech at the Champ de Mars. Find the summary of the speech as well as the video of his speech.

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Updated on April 25, 2022 at 00:32] Re-elected as head of state following the second round of the 2022 presidential election, Emmanuel Macron offered himself the Champ de Mars in Paris for his victory speech this Sunday, April 24. The candidate LREM was re-elected President of the Republic at the end of the second round of the presidential election at the end of which he was declared the winner with 58.8% of the votes against 41.2% for Marine Le Pen according to an Ipsos estimate. Sotria for France Télévisions updated at 10:30 p.m.

His speech was eagerly awaited after an epic and tense campaign against Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron arrived shortly after 9:30 p.m. on the esplanade in front of the Eiffel Tower, accompanied by his wife Brigitte and children surrounding them towards the stage set up for his victory speech. Emmanuel Macron therefore reissued this April 24, 2022 the image of a long march but less solemn than 5 years ago in the courtyard of the Louvre esplanade, already under the notes of the European anthem. It was May 7, 2017. After waving to the crowd, he then held a speech there on a central stage, surrounded by his supporters. The speech was followed by a Marseillaise sung a capella by a singer, the Egyptian mezzo-soprano Farrah El Dibany of the Paris Opera. Relive below in video the speech of Emmanuel Macron at the Champ de Mars this April 24, 2022 as well as the striking sentences.

Emmanuel Macron’s speech on video

Here are the strong sentences of Emmanuel Macron’s speech at the Champ de Mars on April 24, 2022 on the evening of his victory in the second round of the presidential election:

  • “After five years of transformations, of happy and difficult times, on this day of April 24, a majority of us have chosen to trust me to preside over our Republic for the next five years.”
  • “I know that many of our compatriots voted for me today, not to support the ideas I hold, but to block those of the extreme right. I want to thank them here and tell them that I am aware that their vote binds me for years to come.”
  • “I am also thinking of all our compatriots who abstained. Their silence signified a refusal to choose which we must respond to.”
  • “I am also thinking of our compatriots who voted for Madame Le Pen. I am no longer the candidate of one camp, but the president of everyone. I know that for many of our compatriots who have chosen the far right, the anger and disagreements that led them to vote for this project must also find an answer. It will be my responsibility and that of those around me.”
  • “We have so much to do. The war in Ukraine is there to remind us that we are going through tragic times where France must show the clarity of its voice and build its strength in all areas, and we will do it.”
  • “No one will be left by the wayside […] This new era will not be the continuity of the quinquennium which is ending.

The outgoing president saw things big for his victory speech this Sunday, April 24, 2022. Five years after celebrating his victory in the presidential election in front of the Louvre pyramid, the president-candidate has set his sights on a place in splendor and symbolism increased tenfold. By choosing the Champ-de-Mars as a place to speak after the second round of the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron achieved his ends, he to whom the place had been refused in 2017 by the town hall of Paris . This time, the municipality acceded to his request. A stage was set up at the foot of the Eiffel Tower and the Head of State spoke with his back to the Iron Lady, facing the esplanade and the Military School.

Almost like a symbol, it is therefore also with his back to the Trocadéro, a privileged place for the right (and for Eric Zemmour in 2022), that he spoke. A snub to a party sent to oblivion during this presidential election and split between rallying to its cause and the stubborn people who do not want to believe in the end of LR? It was, in any case, the first time that such a speech was made on this place. With this site, Emmanuel Macron offered himself a similar image, but all the same less impressive, than that of the presidents of the United States on the day of their inauguration on Capitol Hill (place where the Congress sits), during which he takes an oath before an audience of tens of thousands of Americans gathered on the “National Mall”.
