the victim’s father asked Eric Zemmour for help [VIDEO]

the victims father asked Eric Zemmour for help VIDEO

The death of Jérémy Cohen, a young thirty-year-old of the Jewish faith, attacked and then knocked down by a tram, generated a wave of political indignation. The victim’s father spoke on BFMTV.

“Why is no media, no politician, no member of the government talking about the death of Jérémy Cohen, beaten up by scum?” Reconquest candidate Eric Zemmour was indignant yesterday on Twitter. The polemicist has since made this legal case a political subject, accusing the media and the political class of wanting to silence the aggression of the young man. Since then, the tragedy that occurred on February 16 has aroused strong emotion. The death of Jérémy Cohen, due to his passage under a tram, in Bobigny in Seine-Saint-Denis, was quickly the subject of the opening of an investigation, for “involuntary homicide”: the young man, handicapped, was very violently attacked a few moments before hitting the tram, in a clear desire to escape his attackers.

But it was only a few days ago that this affair took on another dimension: on March 31, the father of Jérémy Cohen, guest of Radio Shalom, launched an appeal for witnesses so that the investigation progress as quickly as possible. At the beginning of April, following this radio broadcast, a video shot by neighbors was discovered, which then clarified the circumstances of the tragedy. And Monday, April 4, she appeared on social networks. The Bobigny prosecutor’s office, which is in charge of the case, wanted to publish a communicated, to remind that the police and justice were doing their job: “Quickly, the elements collected made it possible to understand that, a few moments before the accident, the victim had suffered violence”, can we read. A second investigation was opened in early April for “intentional violence in meetings”.

Eric Zemmour contacted by Jérémy Cohen’s father

Jérémy Cohen’s father spoke on BFMTV Monday evening, alongside his lawyer. He said he did not want the video of the assault released. And to add that he did not understand the slowness of justice: “We found ourselves in a somewhat difficult situation. We found ourselves in a vacuum at the level of the investigation. help those who could help me. And I actually asked Eric Zemmour if he could help me with the investigation. I asked him if he could do something for our son to make so that the investigation is not stifled. He was good enough to do it, for that I would like to thank him”.

The lawyer for the Cohen family wanted on the same set to put the file back on clearly judicial tracks: “It cannot be a politician who can solve this problem. Only the judicial authority can provide answers. I don’t I have nothing against Mr. Zemmour, political recovery does not come only from him, with the approach of the presidential election. […] The Cohen family and their lawyers have only one objective, and that is to deal with the only competent authority: the judicial authority.”
