Stéphane Plaza’s judgment for physical and psychological violence on two ex-partner is rendered this Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. A file in which money holds a central place.
The essentials:
- The host Stéphane Plaza This Tuesday, February 18, will know the verdict of his trial for domestic violence on two of his ex-partner. 18 months suspended prison sentence and 10,000 euros fine were required by the Paris prosecutor’s office against the real estate agent last January.
- While Stéphane Plaza is at the head of an empire estimated at several tens of millions of euros, the prosecution had called on the court to question the “fair pain” to pronounce, that which will allow “to emphasize the financial weight On the victims “in a file where” money was a central element in these mechanisms of domination “between the latter and the complainants.
- Stéphane Plaza faces a maximum sentence of 10 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 euros according to article 222-9 of the penal code relating to “violence which led to mutilation or permanent infirmity”. As a reminder, the complainants denounced “verbal and psychological violence (humiliations, denigration, threats)” as well as “physical assaults”.
12:36 – A “financial weight on the victims”
On January 9, Stéphane Plaza denied the charges against him. He then appeared for “usual physical and/or psychological violence by partner” between 2018 and 2022 on an ex-partner, Amandine. And for “usual psychological violence by partner” on another, Paola, between 2021 and 2022. The prosecution had not hesitated to call the court to “underline the financial weight on the victims” in a file where “money has was a central element in these mechanisms of domination “between ‘the star host and the complainants. Among these women grew up “fear of bad days, fear of crises, denigration and for some, blows,” said the prosecutor.
12:14 – “A decrease in attendance” in agencies of the Plaza network
Between 2017 and 2023, the year of the scandal, Stéphane Plaza would have raised around 6.2 million euros according to the informed, to which are added “6% of the turnover of his agencies, 2% for advertising costs and more than 20,000 entrance fees “. The economic magazine estimated that the personal fortune of the host then amounted to more than 31 million euros, the company bearing his name having been valued at 125 million euros.
But this cash machine seems to vacillate today. During his trial in January, Stéphane Plaza said that his animator income had dropped in half, going “from 30,000 to 15,000 euros per month”. “I still earn my life very well,” he recognized however. Above all, his agencies visibly suffer from the case. Some agents are “insulting red lights”, testified a lawyer on BFMTV. Franchisees see “customers refusing to place Stéphane Plaza signs” and note “a drop in attendance and the loss of mandates”. A dozen agencies would even try to get out of a franchise on behalf that has become bulky.
Find out more:
The host Stéphane Plaza will know, this Tuesday, February 18, the verdict of his trial for domestic violence on two of his ex-partner. The Paris Criminal Court will make its decision on the 1:30 p.m. On January 9, eighteen months of suspended sentences and a fine of 10,000 euros had been required against the real estate agent.
At the heart of the judgment, there is money in particular. In 2020, the date of the latest known figures, the Plaza network posted a turnover of 16.5 million euros according to Ouest France with a net profit of 6 million euros according to BFM Immo. What offer the host a nice nest egg of around 1.5 million euros annually before taxes.
However, the latter would have lost between 15 % and 20 % of his income since he has been accused of domestic violence. “My monthly salary went from 30,000 to 15,000 euros,” he said last January. “M6 makes me turn a little less. Two investigations were done at M6 and they found nothing. I have contracts that were canceled. When you are suspected of violence, we don’t want you anymore,” continues- he.
Recall that his fortune is significantly higher than that of his ex-partner. This is why, the prosecution had called on the court to wonder about the “fair pain” to pronounce, that which will allow “to replace the responsibility where it must be” and to “underline the financial weight on the victims” in a file Where “money was a central element in these mechanisms of domination”. According to the complainants, Stéphane Plaza is playing power generated by money to establish unbalanced relationships.
Heavy accusations
In a Mediapart article published last September, three former companions by Stéphane Plaza bear witness to the violence they would have suffered from the host. They say they have suffered “verbal and psychological violence (humiliations, denigration, threats)” from the real estate agent and two of them describe “physical assaults”.
They still assert to the investigation newspaper having had a relationship with the host without knowing that he saw other people, accusing him of “exercising manipulations, pressures and mistreatment” to “make several relationships cohabit serious at the same time “. The same month, two of his old companions file a complaint.
Among the testimonies unveiled by Mediapart against the fifty -year -old host and real estate agent, one of his ex -companions, who would have provided a written testimony to a bailiff in May 2022, accused him of having “returned with violence” several several fingers during fury access. “Three of my fingers hung, they quickly became purple and swollen,” she says. She also claims to have received a “punch in the shoulder”. For these facts which would have taken place between 2018 and 2022, the two complainants were recognized a total incapacity for work (ITT) greater than eight days.
What risks Stéphane Plaza risks
For having “worn, disparaged, humiliated publicly, twisted with the fingers so strong that some were dislocated”, as indicated last January during the requisitions of the Paris prosecutor’s office, the flagship animator of the M6 chain faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a fine of 150,000 euros, under article 222-9 of the Criminal Code, relating to “violence that caused mutilation or permanent infirmity”.