The vandalism of the parliament building also made headlines in Sweden | Foreign countries

The vandalism of the parliament building also made headlines in

Most of Sweden’s biggest media have reported on the Swedish activist group’s demonstration.

One of Sweden’s largest newspapers Dagens Nyheter highlights in its articlethat the Swedish protestors are criticizing Finnish Neova’s peat production in Sweden.

Protesters have been interviewed in the newspaper story. One of them, Emma-person, claims that the red color with which the parliament building was defaced can be washed off.

Aftonbladet presents on its website the video filmed by activists, in which the parliament building is vandalized.

Expressen tells in its storythat most of the 10 people arrested by the police are Swedes. The information is based on Iltalehti’s story, where the police chief was interviewed Jarmo from Heino.

The TV4 television channel reports in its news that Swedish activists from the Återställ Våtmarker organization, together with the Finnish Elokapina, have sabotaged the Finnish Parliament.

According to the channel, the act is being investigated as aggravated damage.
