the vaccination pass comes into force, the identity check far from unanimous

the vaccination pass comes into force the identity check far

This January 24 in France, the vaccination pass replaces the health pass and comes into force. You will now need a complete vaccination schedule or a Covid-19 recovery certificate to access many places and businesses. For restaurateurs, a novelty: they can, if they wish, verify the identity of their customers in case of doubt. A detail that is not unanimous.

On the terraces of restaurants, it is now the vaccination pass that is claimed at the entrance. A measure that is not to the taste of this client. ” Me, I’m vaccinated, it’s not going to slow me down, she confides in the microphone Lise Cloix. But I don’t think that’s their role. If the state wants to ban us, let it control itself! »

But for this restaurateur, the arrival of the vaccination pass is not revolutionary: “ For us, it doesn’t really change much. As we control all customers, whether it is a vaccination pass or a health pass, it amounts to roughly the same thing. »

Read also : Covid-19 in France: the Constitutional Council validates most of the vaccine pass

What really worries this trader is the control of identity cards, which risks scaring away customers, according to him. ” Already, we have a huge drop in clientele with telework, he explains. If we ask for ID, it will further reduce our turnover, which is already very low. »

What reassures him is that the identity check is not made compulsory by law. On the other hand, he will have to continue to ask his customers for a vaccination pass, under penalty of a fine of up to 1,000 euros.

Reassure customers

At the beginning, this vaccination pass was badly perceived, like the health pass, because it was a question of an identity check, at the same time as the presentation of the vaccination pass, says Didier Chenet, president of the National Group of Independent Hotel and Restaurant Operators, at the microphone of Jane Richard. It is not so, the vaccination pass will not be more complicated to enter than the sanitary one. »

Read also : Covid-19 in France: is the worst-case scenario really moving away?

The only request that is made by law is that in case of doubt as to the person presenting the vaccination pass, the professional has the option – it is an option – to ask for the identity of the person. If, for example, someone presents a vaccination pass and it is the name of a woman and it turns out that the presenter is a man, there we will, of course, have to ask for the control. That’s all. We have always said: whatever can be done to prevent us from closing, we will apply it. There were very few difficulties in presenting the health pass, I don’t think there will be more difficulties with the vaccination pass. »

Difficulties in finding seasonal workers

Winter is not over yet and yet the recruitment of seasonal workers for the summer has already started in France. But since the end of the confinements, in the hotel and catering industry, professionals have struggled to find staff. Didier Chenet, president of the National Group of Independent Hotel and Restaurant Operators, assures that efforts are being made to meet the aspirations of applicants.

Recruitment difficulties are not just for seasonal workers this summer. Recruitment difficulties have been since the recovery, so since the reopening of our establishments where we have difficulty recruiting for a whole host of reasons. I believe that after the Covid, there are a certain number of employees who today find it difficult to support or accept a professional life that constrains their family life. That’s one aspect. Afterwards, we can talk about the attractiveness of our businesses, that’s what we’re working on. This is why we have carried out a very substantial increase, an average of 12% of our salary grid. And then we will now work on the working conditions, that is to say what could be considered as a hardship compared to other trades. »
