The Utrecht Housing Debate: ‘People want to live in the city and not in Nieuwegein-Noord’

The Utrecht Housing Debate People want to live in the

Eleven candidate councilors are participating in the debate: Julia Kleinrensink (GroenLinks), Maarten Koning (D66), Tess Meerding (VVD), Rick van der Zweth (PvdA), Jantine Zwinkels (CDA), Anne Sasbrink (PvdD), Rik van der Graaf (ChristenUnie), Victor Paalman (Student & Starter), Yvonne Hessel (SP), David Bosch (PVV) and Cees Bos (Utrecht City Interest). The six housing associations in the city – Portaal, Mitros, Cazas, Bo-Ex, SSH and Habion – are also involved.
