The use of the N-word on Twitter increased by almost 500 percent after the service was taken over by Elon Musk, says the institute

The use of the N word on Twitter increased by almost

Elon Musk has said that he supports broad freedom of speech, which has been feared to mean a relaxation of the limits set for hate speech on Twitter. For now, it is unclear what kind of restrictions will be applied to the service in the future.

14:37•Updated 15:24

Ending Twitter Elon Musk’s Accounts spreading hate speech have been taken over to test the limits of the social service.

The Washington Post (you are moving to another service) reported that, for example, the use of racist expressions in English about blacks increased drastically in Twitter messages after the change of ownership.

The news is based on the findings of the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI), which analyzes social media content. According to NCRI, the use of the N-word increased by almost 500 percent in the 12 hours after Musk’s ownership was confirmed.

According to the Washington Post, the service has also distributed anti-Jewish, misogynist and offensive texts and videos to sexual and gender minorities, as well as Nazi memes.

Many messages refer to the change of ownership and the dismantling of previous regulations.

Elon Musk has said that he supports broad freedom of speech, which has been feared to mean a relaxation of the limits set for hate speech on Twitter. However, Musk has not yet said what kind of restrictions will be applied on Twitter in the future.

Media: Twitter is preparing major staff reductions

Twitter’s new direction was foreshadowed over the weekend, when the American media reported that billionaire Elon Musk had given an order to prepare large staff reductions in the company. The news agency reported on the matter, among others Bloomberg (you will switch to another service) and New York Times (you will switch to another service).

of the Washington Post (you will switch to another service) there is about a 50 percent reduction. Previously, a cut of up to 75 percent was anticipated.

The reductions ordered by Musk, who has declared himself a “freedom of speech absolutist”, were estimated to be aimed especially at the roles of moderation.

The story was updated at 15:24 with information about the dismissals prepared by Twitter.
