Artificial intelligence (AI), used to make the functioning of the public sector more effective, save money or even simplify the task of users, has strong consequences on our lives and that of the administration. Thus, many tools using algorithms are used in the administration. And if this revolution is only in its infancy, it already arouses reservations.
In France, it is the defender of rights, Claire Hédon, who expresses his concern in its annual activity report for 2024. The defender of rights, which applies to protecting the rights of each, is concerned in particular of ” The dematerialization at forced march of public services And claims more transparency on the use of AI by administration. According to the report, users must be given ” The possibility of interacting with administration by several channels and not only via digital. »»
The symptomatic case of the anef
To help a job seeker to write a CV, to better target a position, to take steps, AI can be useful. On the administration side, it can help to determine more easily who is entitled to an allowance or to respond online more effectively to public requests. But quite frequently, automation and dematerialization lead to dysfunctions, even dead ends. Digital administration for foreigners in FranceANEF is a symptomatic case.
If the problem is now known, the defender details the consequences: ” Foreign nationals encounter difficulties in requesting the renewal of their residence permits, because of numerous defaults of the portal by which these people are forced to pass. “The Bugge system, they” can reach anyone “, Which generates difficulties and jeopardizes their integration: the platform will not get them proof of their right to stay. The consequences are terrible: they do not have the right to work, they can lose their jobs, their accommodation, see their social benefits suspended or have difficulties in access to care.
The use of AI, a strong trend in Europe
The AI is increasingly used to improve service to the citizen, but also and above all to save money! In Great Britain, the Prime Minister Keir Starmer Has his accounts: “The tools”, which he describes as archaic, of the English administration, make him lose 53 billion euros each year. He therefore wants to deploy AI everywhere, by attracting companies in the sector and letting them test their innovations in England before any regulation.
The European Union, it is precisely trying to set up safeguards taking into account the major risks on the individual rights and freedoms that AI can weigh via the collection and massive use of personal data.
Read tooThe race for artificial intelligence, a new instrument of world domination