The US Congress passed a law preventing the president from withdrawing from NATO | Foreign countries

The US Congress passed a law preventing the president from

In the future, the president cannot withdraw the United States from NATO without the approval of Congress.

WASHINGTON. On Thursday, the US Congress approved a law according to which the president cannot withdraw from NATO without congressional approval. President Joe Biden is expected to sign the law in the coming days.

The law reform is a relief for NATO countries, which have been concerned about the future commitment of the United States to the military alliance.

Former president Donald Trump has been critical of the military alliance, and considered withdrawing from the military alliance when he was president, according to his former advisers. Trump is running for president again and is currently the most popular Republican candidate.

The law reform was passed as part of the US defense budget. It has been driven by a group of senators from both parties. Senators have proposed the bill several times, the first time in 2019.

– The Senate’s decision to approve a law that prevents the president from withdrawing the United States from NATO strengthens the commitment of the United States to an alliance vital to our national security. It sends a message to authoritarian leaders around the world that the free world remains united, senator from virginia Tim Kaine commenti the passage of the law.

asked Biden in connection with this summer’s visit to Finland about the legal initiative and how Biden guarantees the commitment of the United States to NATO even after his own term. At the time, Biden dodged the question but assured that the United States is committed to NATO.

Read more on the topic: Correspondent’s analysis: Is Finland a showcase of the new era? Biden’s visit sealed the foreign policy transition

“The president got confused and answered the reporter angrily” – ‘s question about the United States’ commitment to NATO came up in the American media
