The US Congress approved a 1.7 trillion funding package for the federal government for next year

The US Congress approved a 17 trillion funding package for

The package includes 45 billion in support for Ukraine for next year.

In the United States, both the upper house of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives, approved by the deadline a 1.7 trillion dollar funding package that secures the federal government’s operations. The package also includes 45 billion dollars earmarked for supporting Ukraine.

In the Senate, the package was approved with the support of senators from both parties on Thursday by a vote of 68-29, the Hill newspaper reported. On Friday, the package was also approved without setbacks in the House of Representatives with 225 votes in favor and 201 against.

The motion had to be approved by midnight on Friday for the federal government to continue.

– The bill is important to pass because it is good for our families, our veterans, our national security and the health of our democratic institutions, said the Senate Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

The House of Representatives of Congress has been in the hands of the Democratic majority for the last few days. The Republican-led House of Representatives begins its term after the New Year. House Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy had urged Republicans to vote against the bill because Republicans would be in a stronger position to negotiate federal funding after the turn of the year. However, McCarthy’s appeal fell on deaf ears.

Next, the presentation goes to the president Joe Biden to be signed.

Source: AFP
