The US company’s spacecraft landed on the Moon! He will discover the South Pole

The US companys spacecraft landed on the Moon He will

The company named “Athena” launched within the scope of the “IM-2” mission space He announced that his vehicle went down to the Moon as planned. Mission official Tim Crain said that the landing was successful, but that the vehicle has not yet been confirmed whether the vehicle is flat or side down.

Stating that the data can be taken from the vehicle correctly after confirmation, Crain, said they continue to work.

It was launched at the end of February

According to the US aviation and space agency, Athena’s experiments will play a key role on the return of astronauts to the Moon. Athena was launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, USA at the end of February with the Falcon 9 rocket of SpaceX.


The spacecraft called “Odysseus” launched within the scope of the “IM-1” mission of the Intuitive Machines mission was on the side of the month in which he landed in February 2024.

The US company Firefly Aerospace’s “Blue Ghost” spacecraft, which was launched to collect dust and measure the temperature of the surface, successfully landed on March 2. (AA)This content Metin Yamaner Published by
