The US Attorney General authorized the search warrant against Trump

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

The Department of Justice has asked a court to make public the search warrant issued to the FBI, which is justified by a very high public interest.

At a short press conference, the US Attorney General spoke for the first time about the case.

“I personally approved the decision to apply for a search warrant in this case,” said Merrick Garland.

He also emphasized that the Department of Justice does not take such decisions lightly, and that all Americans are equal before the law.

“Don’t intend to stand still”

The house search has led to strong reactions from several of Donald Trump’s Republican party friends, who have criticized the FBI’s actions. Something Merrick Garland called “unfounded attacks”.

– I am not going to stand idly by when their integrity is unfairly attacked, said Garland.

The Minister of Justice did not want to answer any questions after the press conference.

Trump: Fully cooperated

At the same time, sources tell both the New York Times and CNN that the president’s team did not cooperate with the FBI. Several weeks before the house search, they allegedly refused to hand over documents that should have been in the former president’s possession. The cooperation problems must have prompted the search.

In a statement on Thursday evening, Swedish time, Trump denied that there had been cooperation problems.

– My lawyers and representatives have cooperated fully. Very good relations had been established, says Donald Trump according to Reuters.

Current President Joe Biden has stated that he was not informed of the search of Trump’s home and that the information reached him through subsequent news reporting.

Parallel to the process connected to the search, Trump is in another legal process: a civil case dealing with his real estate dealings.
