The Upshaw Family is an American sitcom created by Wanda Sykes and Regina Y. Hicks. Broadcast since 2021 on Netflix, the sixth season has been available for streaming since January 9, 2025.
The Upshaw family is an American sitcom created by Wanda Sykes (Spongebob, Bad Moms) and Regina Y. Hicks (The L world, Sister Act 3). The series has been broadcast since May 12, 2021 on the giant Netflix service. This comedy series, which addresses the challenges still faced by African Americans, follows the lively life of a racialized family in the very conservative state of Indiana.
Respectively broadcast in 2021, 2022 and 2023, the first five parts are now supplemented by a sixth season, available in streaming on Netflix since January 9, 2025. The production of The Upshaw Family has already announced the release of a seventh season. It will be the last.
What is the plot of The Upshaw family ?
Bennie Upshaw is a broke and grumpy mechanic, the head of a turbulent family. Between his wife Regina, his children with explosive personalities and his acerbic sister-in-law, Bennie’s daily life is not easy. For this African-American from Indiana, daily life consists of dreams of a better future and hardships. Fortunately, despite the challenges and crises, Bennie and his family can always count on each other to get out of the most absurdly hilarious situations.
What casting for The Upshaw family ?
- Kim Fields: Regina Upshaw
- Mike Epps: Bennie Upshaw
- Wanda Sykes: Lucretia Turner
- Diamond Lyons: Kelvin Upshaw
- Khali Spraggins: Aaliyah Upshaw
- Page Kennedy: Duck
- Jermelle Simon: Bernard Upshaw
- Gabrielle Dennis: Tasha Lewis
- JourneyChristine: Maya Upshaw
Where to discover The Upshaw family streaming?
The first six seasons of The Upshaw family are available for streaming on the Netflix platform. Season six, broadcast since January 9, 2025, is the penultimate. To discover this series as well as the many other sitcoms in the catalog, such as Unstable, Welcome to Schitt Creek Or Grace and Frankieyou can subscribe to the giant’s service at the red N from 5.99 euros per month.