The United States classified PVL as a terrorist organization | News in brief

The Swedish expert considers it possible that the organization has had connections with far-right organizations in the United States.

The United States has classified the neo-Nazi organization Nordic Resistance Movement (PVL) as a terrorist organization. The country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the matter on Friday. PVL’s three leading figures, Tor Fredrik Vejdeland, Par Öberg and Leif Robert Eklundhas been classified as the leader of a terrorist organization.

According to the ministry, the organization’s activities are based on an openly racist, anti-Semitic, anti-immigration and anti-gender and sexual minorities ideology.

The US State Department justified the classification, among other things, by the fact that the organization has committed, attempted to commit, or practiced acts of terrorism that threaten the safety of US citizens, the country’s national security, or the state economy.

Among other things, the terrorist classification prevents the organization and its leaders from accessing any assets that are under the jurisdiction of the United States.

In addition, the classification prevents US citizens from supporting or receiving training from the organization. According to the ministry, classification can also be helpful in the operations of US law enforcement authorities in the future.

In Finland, PVL was ordered to be abolished

According to the US State Department, PVL is the largest neo-Nazi organization in the Nordic countries, although the ministry separately mentions the dissolution decision in Finland in its press release.

In Finland, the Supreme Court (KKO) ordered PVL to be abolished in 2020. According to KKO, the organization’s goal was a state order that was largely similar to the National Socialism that prevailed in Nazi Germany. The KKO considered that PVL had acted essentially in violation of the law and had violated or attempted to violate basic and human rights. Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström said in his email For Svenska Dagbladetthat the government had received information about the classification in advance.

According to him, Sweden intends to examine the decision closely and discuss the matter with the domestic authorities. According to the minister, discussions are also planned to take place at the EU level.

Swedish Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer told the newspaper that the government takes all forms of violent extremism seriously.

According to Holmlund, it is possible that the United States has made its decision because PVL has probably had connections with other far-right organizations in the United States.

According to the US State Department, members and leaders of the organization have violently attacked politicians and journalists, among others.
