The United Nations announced the painful truth in Gaza! 30 percent of the houses were destroyed and 490 thousand women and girls were displaced

The United Nations announced the painful truth in Gaza 30

UN Deputy Spokesperson Farhan Haq spoke about the developments in Gaza at the daily press conference. Pointing out that, according to the information they received from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), rescue teams were unable to fulfill their duties due to the ongoing air attacks, Haq also stated that hospitals were overflowing.


Stating that approximately 9 thousand cancer patients cannot receive treatment, Haq said, “30 percent of the housing units in Gaza have been destroyed or become uninhabitable since October 7.” shared his knowledge.

Haq shared the information that, according to UN Women, 490 thousand women and girls were displaced and approximately 900 women became widows after losing their spouses.

Regarding Israel’s attack on the Greek Orthodox Church, where the displaced people in the Gaza Strip took shelter, Haq said, “We condemn any attack against civilians. According to the UN, all sacred areas are off-target.” he said.

On the other hand, in the written statement made by OCHA, it was noted that 14 people lost their lives in the attacks of Israeli forces and Jewish settlers in the West Bank in the last 24 hours.



Hamas’s armed wing, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, launched a comprehensive attack on Israel on the morning of October 7, called the “Aqsa Flood”.

While thousands of rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israel, Palestinian armed groups raided and seized the Beit Hanun-Erez Border Gate on the Gaza-Israel border.

Armed groups then entered the settlements within Israel from here, and the Israeli army launched an attack on the Gaza Strip with dozens of warplanes.

It was reported that 1,400 Israelis, including 306 soldiers, died and 4,834 Israelis were injured in the attacks carried out from Gaza.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that 4 thousand 137 people, including 1524 children, died and more than 13 thousand people were injured in Israel’s attacks on Gaza.

It was stated that 81 Palestinians died in the attacks of Israeli forces and Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank.

13 journalists lost their lives in Israeli attacks.

In the clashes that started between the Israeli army and Hezbollah on the Lebanese border on October 8, 12 Hezbollah members, 2 Islamic Jihad members and 3 civilians, one of whom was a journalist, lost their lives.

Two Israeli soldiers and one Israeli civilian lost their lives in the attacks carried out by Lebanon.

In Israel’s attack on Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza on October 17, 471 people lost their lives and 342 people were injured, 28 of them seriously. (AA)

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