The unique bronze treasure in Alingsås came from Spain

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The likelihood of the bronze hoard being found was unlikely. It was in April 2021 that Tomas Olsson, who was making orientation maps, was going to pause at a pile of stones south of Alingsås when he suddenly discovered metal objects among the stones.

It turned out to be a sensation in the archeology world: the bronze finds are at least 2,500 years old.

Depot find

It was a so-called depot find, which means that the objects were meant to be dug up and sacrificed to higher powers.

The deposit find, which is from the Younger Bronze Age, approx. 750-500 BC, is one of the largest ever made in Sweden and is considered to have a very great scientific value.

Good condition

These are magnificent objects, many of them in very good condition. It was the object of a woman belonging to the upper class.

Now the researchers have found that the bronze originally came from Spain. Which shows a significant trade with the outside world during the Bronze Age.

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