The union on the crisis in social services “Far beyond the pain limit”

The pressure on the country’s social services is increasing. Just over six out of ten municipalities state that the number of cases is increasing. Nearly seven out of ten municipalities state that they find it difficult to recruit and retain competent staff, nearly two-thirds hire consultants to get the business together. This is shown by TV4 Nyheterna’s survey, which was answered by 201 social services.

The 178 municipalities that have recruitment problems are already seeing negative effects – with staff being overworked, with layoffs, sick leave due to stress and burnout, and those in need of help being left without support.

Heike Erkers, president of the Academic Union SSR, thinks that many successive governments have neglected social services.

– We demand that just as much as you invest in the police, you must invest in social services, because that is where the preventive measures are, that is where you could make a difference. Of course together with school and other parts. So – one crown for the police – one crown for social services.

New Social Services Act

Social Services Minister Camilla Waltersson Grönvall believes that social services is a priority area for the government.

– We need to have a social service with high self-confidence, because it is an important hub for us to deal with the problems Sweden has. Given the situation where ten-year-olds are recruited into criminal networks, we simply have to do both, says Camilla Waltersson Grönwall.

She recognizes the image that social services are strained in many municipalities, and believes that the staff’s working situation will be improved via the new social services law that is being prepared, which emphasizes early, preventive efforts. In addition, changed confidentiality rules are being prepared, which will facilitate cooperation between social services, the police and schools.

Sociologists of the future

The pressured work situation for the staff in social services is a common topic of conversation among the sociologists of the future.

Student Ludvig Verga Kjellman thinks that the work environment in social services raises questions.

– Yes, it is a concern, but we have an activity-based education and most people, I still think, come away from the internship satisfied – you had certain expectations, but that it turned out much better, says Ludvig Verga Kjellman.

Many of the students have already encountered the increasing threat picture for the staff in social services.

– Threats and hatred are accepted in this profession, it feels like, the most important thing is not to take it personally, but to understand where people are coming from and what their frustration is, says Sandra Bastidas, a student in the sociology program at Stockholm University.

Misinformation makes it worse

Sandra Bastidas, like many of the students, works extra in social services and has learned to deal with the commonly occurring threats.

The disinformation campaign around LVU, where lies have been spread across Sweden and the world, has worsened the threat picture, among other things because rumors have been spread that social services are kidnapping children.

– I think it’s a great shame, because it’s not the truth, but it’s a very long process to take care of, says student Nadja abu Mujieh.
