The unexpected revelation about the animals in the Farm – it happens behind the camera

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The farm in 2023 has been full of pacts, grandiose quarrels and a lot of rye porridge. In parallel with the social game, the participants in the reality show must live as farmers did in the 19th century, with all that that entails.

The farm 2023: The program is recorded here

The program is recorded on the idyllic farm Norra Brandstorp, which is neither equipped with electricity nor running water. What there is, however, in abundance are various animals.

Here you can read about what happens to the Farm house after the recording.

There are several cows on the farm. Photo: Screenshot/TV4/FarmenFarmen-Wincent’s revelation about the animals on the farm

A large part of the participants’ days is spent taking care of the many animals that are on the Farm. Cows, chickens, horses, pigs and even adorable kittens coexist on the farm. Whoever brings the animals to the Farm is the popular mentor Hans Vincent. This is something that is usually met with cheers from the participants as it usually means more food on the table – in the form of eggs, milk or even meat.

Wincent brings the assignments to the participants. Photo: Screen image/TV4/Farmen

But where do the animals that we see in the TV box really come from? That’s what Farmen-Wincent tells us News24.

– We rent them from different farmers or something like that. We rent or buy in depending on what type of animal it is, answers the Farmen expert.

It happens with the animals from the Farm – when the recording ends Even horses are on the Farm farm. Photo: Screen image/TV4/Farmen

But what really happens to the animals when the Farm filming ends, and everyone leaves the farm?

– The ones we hired, of course, go home to the respective farm.

But the animals that the Farm production has bought can end up in more unexpected places.

– Every year there are questions about what happens to those cute kittens. We will find new homes for them, of course. And the same if there were some chickens or something else that we would buy, we make sure they get new homes. Either they follow me home or they end up somewhere else in that case, Wincent explains.

The kittens charm both TV viewers and farmers. Photo: Screenshot/TV4/FarmenFarmen-Wincent’s unexpected revelation: “Got to come home with me”

In other words, the animals can get an unexpected new home, to say the least, when the cameras have been turned off. They may be lucky enough to move home to none other than Farmen-Wincent’s farm! When Nyheter24 talks to Wincent, there are even some old Farmen profiles walking in the pasture outside his window.

– We have rented goats before. Two or three years ago we couldn’t find any goats to rent, but then I instead found some that I could buy in, and so they got to spend their summer at Torpet. Then when it was over, they simply had to come home with me, Wincent tells Nyheter24 and continues:

– The following year, I covered those goats so they had a kid, so we could have them for one more summer. But now they have retired from the television world and are out here in the paddock.

Hear Wincent tell more in the player above!
