The UN Secretary -General urged them to defend the rights of women – “women’s bodies have become political battlefields” | Brief news

The UN Secretary General urged them to defend the rights

UN Secretary -General Antonio Guterres said on the eve of International Women’s Day that women’s rights are in danger and the world cannot be considered inactive.

UN Secretary -General Antonio Guterres According to women’s rights, the whole world must fight for them. Guterres commented at the UN event on Friday on the eve of International Women’s Day.

Guterres says that the discrimination of women who have lasted for hundreds of years is becoming more worse with new threats. He also warned that the world could not be considered inactive as progress becomes the opposite.

“While digital tools are promising, they have often silenced women’s voices, strengthened prejudices, and fueled harassment,” Guterres said.

“Women’s bodies have become political battlefields,” he added.

According to Guterres, online violence is escalating into real -life violence.

“Instead of mainstreaming, the mainstream is mainstreaming at the event for chauvinism and female hatred,” says Guterres.

According to the UN Secretary-General, the world has to fight this trend and underlia that gender equality is not only about justice, but also about who gets into power and who is excluded from power.

Source: Reuters
