The UN fears that the war in Yemen will expand | News in brief

The UN fears that the war in Yemen will

Both the situation inside Yemen and the Houthi rebels’ attacks on the Red Sea and Israel cause concern.

The UN warns that Yemen is in danger of drifting into a full-scale civil war again.

UN Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg points out that it is the international community’s interest and responsibility to prevent this from happening.

The Saudi-backed Yemeni government and Houthi rebels have been at war since 2014. The Houthis also launched attacks against merchant ships in the Red Sea after Israel invaded the Palestinian territory of Gaza. The attack was in response to a devastating terrorist attack by the extremist organization Hamas on Israel on October 7.

According to Grundberg, the regional dimension of the conflict in Yemen became even more evident last week when the Houthis carried out a drone attack on Tel Aviv, Israel. Israel responded with airstrikes on the port of Hudaydah in Yemen.

Inside Yemen, the situation is also worrying, although there has been limited violence since the 2022 ceasefire. In recent months, military preparations have increased and this month clashes have been reported on several fronts.
