The UN delegation in Niger asks Niamey to leave a door open to dialogue

The UN delegation in Niger asks Niamey to leave a

The UN mission completed a short diplomatic mission in Niamey on Saturday. The Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in West Africa and the Sahel and his delegation met the Prime Minister appointed by the junta and some ministers. They could not see General Abourahamane Tiani.

1 min

With our correspondent in Cotonou, Jean-Luc Aplogan

The UN mission asked the junta to dialogue with ECOWAS and not to close the door, according to our information. Before leaving Niamey, the UN made the same request for the African Union, since the first mission initiated by the AU had been refused.

The UN diplomats did not meet the leader of the putschists but they saw twice the Prime Minister, members of the government and of the Tiani cabinet. There was a lunch between the two parties on Saturday.

We learn that the major demand of the junta is the lifting of economic sanctions. In return, she promises only the “ release of President Bazoum “.

The junta reportedly told its visitors ” that it was President Bazoum himself who refused the first days of his sequestration to separate from his wife and child “. She accuses the international press of lying about the president’s living conditions. Still, yesterday ECOWAS found that he was without electricity.
