The UN and the African Union are concerned about the violent demonstrations in Kenya | Foreign countries

The UN and the African Union are concerned about the

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and African Union President Moussa Faki Mahamat have commented on the tense situation in Kenya.

Secretary General of the UN Antonio Guterres has expressed deep concern over the violent protests in Kenya.

– The Secretary-General is clearly deeply concerned about the reported violence we have seen in connection with these protests and demonstrations, Guterres’ spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said Tuesday night.

– He is very saddened by the reported deaths and injuries, which include journalists and medical personnel, Dujarric continued.

Protests broke out in many Kenyan cities last week against the government’s proposed tax increases. On Tuesday, they escalated into riots that claimed lives.

Also the chairman of the African Union Moussa Faki Mahamat issued a statement on Tuesday evening in which he shared his “deep concern over the outbreaks of violence following public protests that have resulted in loss of life and destruction of property”.

The chairman of the African Union also called on Kenya to act calmly and refrain from violence in the future.

Also the President of Kenya William Ruto commented on the protests earlier in the evening. He stated that ensuring the safety of the people is his primary goal. The president also equated the protests with treason and stated that dangerous people had hijacked the debate on tax increases.

Read more here.

Source: AFP
