The Ulule crowdfunding platform changes its billing policy: in addition to taking a commission from the sums lifted by the creators, it will establish service fees for contributors.

The Ulule crowdfunding platform changes its billing policy in addition

The Ulule crowdfunding platform changes its billing policy: in addition to taking a commission from the sums lifted by the creators, it will establish service fees for contributors.

The crowdfunding crowdfunding platform (Crowdfunding), which has more than 300 million raised and 48,000 projects funded since 2010, changes economics! If, so far, it only led to a commission on the funds collected by the creators, it announces, in an update of its general conditions of useestablish service fees for contributors who support projects from April 14, 2025. This should not please users, who may have the impression of being taken for milk cows …

Ulule service fees: a new double billing system

By this new measure, contributors who wish to support a project on Ulule will see their final invoice increase. From April 14, the service fees of 10 cents + 2.2 % including tax will be added to the amount of each contribution. They will be calculated on the total amount, shipping costs and any donations included. Concretely, for a contribution of 100 euros, a donor will now pay 102.30 euros including tax. Positive point, however: the costs will be fully reimbursed in the event of failure of the collection or cancellation of the contribution on a collection with counterparties. Ulule justifies this new operation by the need for “continue to develop innovative services and improve our platform“. In parallel, the company obviously maintains its commission system on the funds collected by the creators, which is deducted directly from the amount of the sums collected during the repayment.

It is possible to refuse these modifications within two months. To do this, you must send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the registered office of Ulule, located at 10 rue de Penthièvre, 75008 Paris. Please note, a refusal will result in closing the account on the platform.

Ulule’s economic model changes deeply with this double billing, which taxes both creators and donors. In parallel, the platform is launching a base camp, a new service for the community. It only remains to hope that this change does not slow down the momentum of contributors, who will have to agree to pay more to support the projects that are close to their hearts. In doing so, Ulule benefits from a situation of almost monopoly in France following their acquisition of KisskissBankbank, which was their main French competitor … It is always possible to turn to a foreign platform like Kickstarter, but the level of support is far from the same and, above all, French -speaking projects will not have the same visibility.
