The UGL celebrates 75 years of history with a commemorative stamp issued by Poste Italiane

The UGL celebrates 75 years of history with a commemorative

(Finance) – L ‘Ugl celebrates 75 years of history and in particular it does so by creating a commemorative stamp issued by Poste Italiane with a dedicated cancellation. A tribute to the long history and the role played by the union in the protection of the rights of the works and in defense of collective bargaining in our country.

“A long journey from 1950 to today always being in business,” he underlined Paolo CaponeSecretary General of the UGL. In creating the stamp “we tried to represent the past, present and future work in a mix of representation seen in 3 different faces”.

The presentation of the stamp, which was held in Rome at the Wegil space, saw the participation among others of the Hon. Federico MolliconePresident of the Culture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, and of Maurizio GasparriGroup leader in the Senate of Forza Italia.

“Today we celebrate the history of the UGL union and the stories of characters who have gone through the decades, from the factory advice to the kidnappings, up to union struggles and social. The union is renewed if it maintains its ability to interpret the contemporary season. – explained Mollicone – In this regard, the UGL is conducting an important battle on digital rightsdefending creativity and human work. Another aspect on which the UGL is at the forefront concerns the participation of workers. In this sense, UGL’s contribution is important to the debate on the law that has been approved in the Chamber and is now under discussion in the Senate “.

“The Ugl today is on the pitch as Confederation Attentive and bearer of a participatory culture, therefore contrary to an antagonistic and class clash culture. By integrating the values ​​of national unionism inherits this will of the meeting between capital and work, between the company and employees, in the protection of expectations and rights of the world of work, “said Gasparri.

“The dialogue started with the government On crucial issues such as active work policies. ” The words of the UGL secretary during his intervention from the stage. “The record increase in the occupation photographs an important reversal of course and it is the sign that the new measures go in the right direction. The UGL looks with particular favor to cut the tax burden to support the purchasing power of wages, and to the increase in inspectors to enhance the controls and protect the safety of workers. The fight against accidents at work is a battle that can only be won by strengthening the synergy between institutions, companies and unions. investing in school training and safety culture “.

As for the future Capone He has in mind a union “which is not perched on vessels and ideological prejudices now overcome, but who meets the new instances of a world of work in rapid transformation. It is necessary to abandon the logic of class struggle and putting the interests of the workers at the center.”
