The two neighborhoods of Madrid that open parking meters in May

The two neighborhoods of Madrid that open parking meters in

The month of May brings news when it comes to parking in two neighborhoods of Madrid: Puerta del Ángel and Los Cármenes (both belonging to the district of Latina). From 9:00 this Monday, May 3 The Regulated Parking Service (SER) has come into force in a total of 1,637 parking spaces in these areas. Specifically, 1,144 are in Puerta del Ángel and 493 are in Los Cármenes.

The proposal was raised to the plenary session of the district on March 9 and it came out thanks to the votes in favor of the PP, Citizens and the Mixed Groupthe abstention of Más Madrid and the PSOE and the vote against Vox.

As highlighted in a note the Madrid City Council, “its start-up caters to the requests from a large majority of neighborhood associations to alleviate the high pressure of parking in the area”.

The statement argues that the location of both neighborhoods “next to places of leisure and recreation such as Madrid Río or the district of Centro, and a wide range of tourist and hospitality commercial spaces in the area, they have turned them into preferential parking areas for foreigners”.

The streets with regulated parking in each neighborhood

The Consistory details that “to mitigate the excess parking of non-residents and in response to studies by municipal services”, the BE area of Angel’s Gate It is bounded by the following streets included in the regulated area: to the north, by Avenida de Portugal; to the east, by the avenue of the Manzanares River; to the south, through the streets of Daimiel and Sepúlveda, and to the west, through the streets of Caramuel, Antillón and the Plaza de la Puerta del Ángel.

On the other hand, the SER zone of Los Cármenes it is established within the following perimeter: to the north, along Calle de Daimiel; to the east, by the avenue of the Manzanares River; to the south, by San Ambrosio street, and to the west, by Ermita del Santo. All these roads are also included as a regulated area.

The Madrid City Council has highlighted that “a total of 12,980 registered inhabitants in these two areas will benefit from the new measure” and has indicated that it has been enabled a link in which “you can consult the Resident Parking Authorization Requirementsprior request of the interested person and the payment of the fixed rate”.
