The twist: The wild boar population is dwindling

The twist The wild boar population is dwindling

Published: Just now

fullscreen The wild boar population appears to be declining. Stock image, Photo: Lars Pehrson / SvD / TT

The increased use of night vision appears to have had an effect – the population of wild boar seems to be decreasing, reports SVT Nyheter Skåne.

Dark sights were allowed when hunting in 2019 – and according to the shooting reports that hunters submit to the Swedish Hunters’ Association, fewer animals are shot.

Shooting reports decreased by 30 percent in Scania during the 2021/22 hunting season, when 20,000 wild boars were shot compared to 30,000 animals shot the previous hunting year. In the country, the total number of animals shot went down from 160,000 to 120,000.

– I have heard from hunters in some areas that they no longer hunt wild boar. There are none, says hunting conservation consultant Thomas Ohlsson at the Swedish Hunters’ Association in Skåne to SVT.
