The Twilight series needs to fix the 3 biggest mistakes in the fantasy series

The Twilight series needs to fix the 3 biggest mistakes

It’s been almost 15 years since I squandered my pocket money in the cinema for the first part of the Twilight saga – and myself immortal in Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) in love have. No wonder, then, that for most of my elementary school years I was involved in a single discussion: Team Edward or Team Jacob? And yes, my crush on the latter even went so far that I ordered a duvet cover with his face on it.

It wasn’t just because of Jacob that I was a big fan of the fantasy saga. Something magical these films seem to have triggered in me (and millions of other people). But from today’s perspective I ask myself: Are stalking vampires contemporary?

In the multi-million dollar book and film series, outdated patterns of thought such as abstinence were preached and an encroaching vampire became the hero. The planned series reboot of Twilight is a blessing for me as a fan. It has a chance to clean up the three biggest mistakes of the past. And this is how it can work:

Important Twilight change: Bella becomes a strong and independent woman

I see the first need for action with the protagonist Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart). She is an ordinary teenage girl who meets vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) right at the beginning of the saga. Especially in the first parts of the fantasy series, she often finds herself in situations where she has to be rescued by Edward or Jacob. She can’t cope without male help and that conveys an outdated and sexist role model.


Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in Twilight

So far, Bella has not only depended on the help of men, but also allowed them to control her to a considerable extent. Some media, such as the popular youth magazine BRAVO, even refer to Edward as their stalker, who sees them in many situations treated more like a pet than an equal partner have. Moviepilot also reported on the toxic Twilight relationship. From now on, Bella must set clear boundaries and be allowed to go her own way.

We live in times of awakening, which we are currently denying through gender debates & co. Bella as independent person and feminist writing and making up for the failures of the original comes naturally to me. She has to come across as a strong and independent woman from the start. Through self-determined action she can make an impression on the audience. If she asserts herself against the supposedly strong vampires and werewolves, she becomes a superhero herself – without any supernatural powers.

Important Twilight change: Sexuality is no longer taboo and is fun again

Dealing with the topic of sexuality also seems awkward. Because when Edward or Bella hints at the lust they feel, it doesn’t come into play – and that’s under the guise of abstinence. After all, Edward follows exactly this concept: No sex before marriage. This gave the predominantly young audience the illusion of something completely outdated. After all, youth is about trying out yourself, getting to know each other and exploring your sexuality.


Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in Twilight

Don’t get me wrong, if someone wants to take this approach and it’s a self-determined choice, then that’s perfectly fine. But the Twilight movies give the impression that it’s generally desirable and the right thing to do. Here I see a great danger. Because young viewers in particular tend to transfer values ​​from series or films to their own lives without questioning them.

The series reboot should rethink sex and more positive sexual acts show. Only in this way can sexuality be freed from taboos.

Major Twilight Change: Diversity happens at all levels

The Twilight films are cast primarily white people and there are only heterosexual love to see. There are a few queer actors like Kristen Stewart and BIPoC, i.e. black, indigenous and people of color, like Edi Gathegi. But they are the exception. Especially since Kristen Stewart only came out after her last Twilight film.

According to pop culture tabloid The Daily Beast, director Catherine Hardwicke wanted to cast Alice Cullen as a Japanese woman. However, Twilight creator Stephenie Meyer would have resisted.

There is a lack of diversity not only in terms of the performers, but also thematically. Where is the homosexual love? Rumors are being spread in fan forums that Alice is bisexual or that Senna and Zafrina are a couple. But this was never officially confirmed – and above all not shown. This is where Twilight has failed so far. I wish for representation in the series and the reboot has the chance to do that.


Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner in Twilight

The Twilight series can change the three biggest mistakes of the series and bring into the 2020s. In order to keep up with the times and reflect society as a whole, those responsible should take the loud criticism of the books and films to heart. Then they also make nine-year-old Fabian happy, who left all his pocket money for hot werewolves in the cinema 15 years ago.

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