The Twentieth coach: “I felt the aggressions”

At the press conference after the match, the 51-year-old coach vented his displeasure.

– You could feel the atmosphere and that the atmosphere was hard on us. Playing football should be a party, Oostling said and continued:

— I felt the aggression from the stands. Things that were thrown at our players when there was a corner, for example. It’s a shame.

Marti Cifuentes, coach in Hammarby, did not want to go into whether he agreed with his coaching colleague or not.

— It is not relevant whether I agree with him or not. I just want to say that our supporters are fantastic and that it is a real pleasure to be the head coach in Hammarby. I really appreciate the support we received today. All our supporters supported us for 120 minutes.

Hammarby’s team captain Nahir Besara:

— I am so proud of the team and the supporters. It was amazing, even their players said to me “wow, what supporters you have. I’m so proud of them, they were with us the whole game.

He continued, regarding Oosting’s comments:

— That is his feeling. I didn’t experience it that way (aggressively, eds note) except a little at the corners. But I felt they were top notch. When even their players say they are great then you have good supporters.

In connection with last week’s Conference League match between Twente and Hammarby in the Netherlands, masked Twente supporters stormed a side stand and attacked people in a seating section where visiting Hammarby supporters were stationed.
