The drama series “Fleishman is in trouble” is shown on Disney+ and is based on the novel of the same name, and was initially not a safe bet for SVT’s television critic Linus Fremin, who had already seen series with a similar concept about middle-class families in New York.
– It is a kind of satire on this lifestyle. The creators are aware that it exists in this privileged world and what above all saves this series is that it plays with perspectives.
The star reporter who was “cancelled”
Oscar winner Tom McCarthy, who won with the critically acclaimed journalistic film “Spotlight”, has now created a like-minded series called “Alaska Daily”. According to Linus Fremin, the series can sometimes become sprawling, but at the same time he describes it as very easy to watch. He also speaks highly of the characters, especially the confident main character Eileen Fitzgerald who was a former star reporter before she was fired.
– It’s refreshing to see a character who doesn’t apologize for himself, says Linus Fremin.
Watch the TV expert tell you more about all three drama series in the clip above.