The Trump copy’s selfie joke: “Spiritual cleansing” – Latest news – fast news from Aftonbladet


  • Trump Copy’s Selfie Joke: “Spiritual Cleansing”

    Philippe Reines has an unusual job during American election times.

    He plays Donald Trump so that presidential candidate Kamala Harris can sharpen her debating skills.

    After yesterday’s debate, however, he was able to step out of the role of ex-president for a while.

    On X, he has posted a selfie in his Trump suit and make-up.

    “To do: facial, haircut, spiritual cleansing,” he writes.

    Reines was a longtime close associate of Hillary Clinton. He also played Trump when she ran for president in 2016.


  • E6 shut down – truck on fire

    A truck has caught fire on the E6 at the height of Falkenberg Södra shortly after 6 pm on Wednesday, reports P4 Halland.

    The road has had to be closed as a result of the incident, there is currently no forecast for when it can be reopened.

  • Northvolt reports new chemical alarm

    Last week, four people got vertigo syndrome at the Northvolt battery factory in Skellefteå.

    It happened when a container was opened on a loading dock and dust with unknown contents swirled up.

    Northvolt has reported the incident to the Swedish Work Environment Authority, reports the Sirén news agency.

    In the container were bags of the material NMC, which contains lithium, manganese, cobalt oxide and nickel. But according to the informant, the people were probably affected by fumes from a cleaning agent.

    The people affected did not use protective masks, which they were instructed to do.

  • Explosion in stairwell

    Photo: Reader image

    Something has exploded in a stairwell in Vällingby in western Stockholm.

    The police received the alarm shortly before 5 p.m.

    – There are no personal injuries, only material damage, says Daniel Wikdahl at the Stockholm Police.

    Residents in the stairwell have been evacuated.

    It is unclear how extensive the material damage is. The police are on the scene, searching the area and the stairwell.

  • Car and electric scooter in collision

    A motorist and a person on an electric scooter collided today in Borås.

    Ambulance and police were sent to the scene.

    – The extent of the damage is unclear, says Fredrik Svedemyr, press spokesperson for the police in the west region.

  • MC driver dead outside Halmstad

    On county road 614 between Harplinge and Kvibille in Halland, a motorbike driver drove off the road.

    The MC driver, a man in his 60s, has died as a result of the accident.

    This is what the police write on their website.

    The man’s relatives have been informed of the death.

    – The motorcycle has been impounded for a technical examination and we will investigate the circumstances surrounding this accident further, says Fredrik Svedemyr, press spokesperson for the police in the western region.

  • Fire on Crete – Swedish tourists nearby

    A forest fire is currently raging near the tourist resort of Platanias on Crete.

    The emergency services must be on the scene and have the fire under control.

    The travel company Tui has guests at a hotel nearby.

    – We are informed about the situation. Right now it seems to be under control, but we will have to wait and see, says Dian Martinez Valencia, communications manager at Tui.

    He says that there are a limited number of guests who live nearby.

    – Should it become relevant, we can of course move the guests, says Dian Martinez Valencia.

  • Task: Shooting at a door on Södermalm

    Photo: Reader image

    The police have a large operation on Södermalm in central Stockholm.

    – Someone has shot at an apartment door, we don’t really know when it happened, whether it was during the day or earlier, says police spokesperson Daniel Wikdahl.

    There should not have been any people in the apartment. The incident is being investigated as aggravated weapons offense and aggravated unlawful threat.

    The police have an operation both indoors and outdoors. According to the police, there is no danger to the public.

  • Russian counterattacks in the Kursk area

    Russian forces have launched heavy counterattacks in the Kursk area, states the newspaper Meduza citing Russian military bloggers.

    The Ukrainian army successfully entered Russian territory on August 6 and has, among other things, taken over the administration of the Russian city of Sudzha.

    The Ukrainian army has not yet commented on the data.

  • Explosion in Mölndal

    It has exploded in a Mölndal switchgear, reports P4 Gothenburg.

    The emergency services are on their way to the scene.

    One person has been injured and is being treated by paramedics, according to the channel.

    – We have an extensive resource package on the way. Police and ambulance are also on their way, says Bosse Florell, alarm and line operator, to TT.

  • USA: Inflation is falling

    Inflation in the US drops to 2.5 percent in August, according to recent figures from the US Department of Labor.

    It was in line with the average forecast according to Bloomberg’s compilation and can be compared with 2.9 percent in July.

    Underlying inflation landed as expected at 3.2 percent, which was unchanged compared to the previous month.

    The Stockholm Stock Exchange fell somewhat after the announcement. The US ten-year interest rate rises slightly and the dollar strengthens.

  • Busch’s demands on Andersson: Clear the government documents

    Photo: Lotte Fernvall

    The recent debate on anti-Semitism continued in the Riksdag debate on Wednesday.

    The Christian Democrats’ party leader Ebba Busch demanded of Magdalena Andersson: Make sure that the Left Party clears the party of anti-Semitic expressions.

    – It would never have been accepted if it had been the same problem in the Sweden Democrats, says Ebba Busch to Aftonbladet’s reporter.

    She also gives the media a boot.

    – I find it interesting that there has been less media reporting, this is my view, as it concerns the left when it concerns anti-Semitism. Here I think that Magdalena Andersson and the media have a responsibility to take, says Ebba Busch.

    When asked about what responsibility, she answers:

    – Be clear that a government document with which she goes to the election cannot have representatives who express themselves as anti-Semitic. That the Left Party can no longer be included in Magdalena Andersson’s background. That’s how tough she should be.

  • Terrorist threats against Israelis were stopped during the Olympics

    French authorities now say they stopped three plans for terrorist attacks during the Olympics and Paralympics in Paris and other French cities.

    Anti-terrorism prosecutor Olivier Christen says one of the foiled terror plots involved attacks on Israeli institutions and representatives in Paris during the Olympics, but that the Israeli Olympic team was not a target.

    A total of five people, one of whom was a minor, were arrested on suspicion of plans to attack the Olympics.

    Security during the Olympic and Paralympic competitions was rigorous. Before the Olympics, the Minister of the Interior, Gerald Darmanin, warned of security threats, including from Islamist extremist groups, violent environmental activists, far-right groups and cyber attacks from Russia and others.

  • Swedish 18-year-old arrested in Denmark last night

    Young Swedes continue to cross the strait on a mission to commit serious violent crimes.

    Last night, an 18-year-old Swedish man was arrested on suspicion of weapons offenses and attempted murder.

    – The young man was arrested on a street in Nørrebro when he had a weapon on him, Copenhagen police said in a statement.

    The 18-year-old is thus the second Swede to face a detention hearing in Denmark today.

    A custody hearing was held against a 16-year-old boy earlier today. That boy is suspected of attempted murder, possession of a weapon and of having attempted to carry out an explosion.

  • Four cars in accident

    Five people were injured in a car accident on Vaxholmsvägen in Stockholm, according to the police.

    The accident reportedly involved four cars and the emergency services, ambulance and police were ordered to the scene.

    One person had to be taken to hospital by ambulance helicopter and all five involved have been taken to hospital for treatment.

    The road was closed in both directions for a long time, but could start to be opened alternately at 2 p.m.

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