The triple planetary crisis that humanity must address as a priority

The triple planetary crisis that humanity must address as a

The UN is trying to mobilize the governments and citizens of the world on the triple threat that currently weighs on the Planet: climate change, air pollution and the disappearance of biodiversity.

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The Triple Planetary Crisis referred to by the United Nations refers to the three major problems currently facing all of humanity.

Global warming, top priority according to the UN

Climate change is the most important global problem according to the UN: rising temperatures, with the resulting consequences, are a threat to the global ecosystem that allows the Planet to function normally. Human activities are the main factor responsible for global warmingan observation on which 97% of scientists agree according to theyale university in the USA. The use of theenergyindustry, transport, the construction sector, and theAgriculture are the main human activities that lead to emissions of greenhouse gas. Far from being a problem only for the future, the consequences of global warming are already visible all over the world: the lack of water, the frequency and intensity of droughtsforest fires, sea level rise, melting ice and the decline of the biodiversity. The UN estimates that 21.5 million refugees migrate each year due to the climate crisis. A Swiss Re insurance company report in 2021 estimates the cost of the consequences of climate change at $23 billion by 2050. Even more, Swiss Re estimates that countries such as the United States, Canada and France will lose between 6 and 10% of their economic potential within 30 years.

Air pollution is the number one cause of early death worldwide

4.2 million deaths per year are caused, in part or totally, by air pollutionair outside. 3.8 million deaths per year are related to pollution from dirty or damaged cooking equipment. With a total of 7 million deaths per year, air pollution is the number one cause of illness and early death worldwide. Nine out of ten people in the world breathe air whose level of pollution exceeds the limit thresholds set by the World Health Organization. If almost everyone is well aware of the existence of pollution caused by road traffic, industries, forest fires or even volcanic eruptionsfew know about the threat of indoor pollution linked largely to cooking and bad fuels used.

The disappearance of biodiversity threatens life on Earth

Biodiversity refers to all living things on the planet, such as animals, plants, mushroomswhether on earth or at sea. The reasons for the massive disappearance of biodiversity are many and varied, such as the overfishing in the oceans, and desertification related to rising temperatures and drought. Biodiversity is the basis of all life on Earth since each species is linked to other life forms in its ecosystem. Our access to food, water, health, depends entirely on the wealth and good health of other life forms on Earth. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has called the war waged by humans against nature “suicide”.

Climate change, air pollution and the disappearance of biodiversity are the major issues that must be addressed as a priority by governments and citizens to ensure a viable future for the human species on the Planet.

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