The tricks of the thieves – this is how they stole 100,000 kroner worth of goods

The tricks of the thieves this is how they

Two men, 25 and 40 years old respectively, have managed to steal goods from grocery stores to the value of SEK 100,000. Now they have been sentenced to prison, reports Smålandsposten.

They stole the men

The men’s latest theft tour was over two days in mid-September when they stole goods worth just over SEK 15,000 from a Willys store and SEK 2,000 from a Coop store. The men were looking for razors, razor blades, toothbrush heads and cigarettes, as these would be easy to resell.

The thieves were so cunning that the exposed stores did not even notice that the goods were missing. It was only discovered when the police stopped the men, who were then in a car full of stolen goods. Then the police searched the house where they found even more stolen goods. In total, police and prosecutors can bind them to thefts worth SEK 100,000.


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The men’s tricks to maximize the thefts

So how did they manage to bring so much merchandise from the stores?

They were both wearing bathing suits with sewn-on pockets under their clothes, something that was evident during a post-arrest visitation.

But the thieves could easily be linked to the thefts as they had been caught on several surveillance cameras. There, it is clearly seen that the men collaborated in order to carry out the thefts.


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Deported from Sweden

Both men are of Romanian origin and the oldest has previously been convicted of seven thefts in Sweden and five in Great Britain.

With the sentence for the thefts in Sweden, they will both be deported and banned from returning within ten years, the newspaper reports.

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