The trick to finally succeed in choosing a perfectly ripe avocado at the supermarket (and it’s not by squeezing it gently)

The trick to finally succeed in choosing a perfectly ripe

Are you tired of always coming across avocados that never ripen or avocados that are completely blackened inside? We asked our primeur for his best tips for choosing it well every time. Here is his secret.

Avocado is a star ingredient in our summer recipes. Delicious in a salad, guacamole or even a smoothie, it has many health benefits. It is rich in good fats and it is very nutritious. Unfortunately, it is one of the hard-to-choose fruits and vegetables in the supermarket.

One in two? it will be inedible, either because it is too hard and will never ripen, or on the contrary because it is much too ripe. What could be more disappointing when preparing a guacamole than ending up with an avocado all damaged inside or hard as a stone…

While many people think that probing all the avocados on the shelf is the best solution, unfortunately, aside from spoiling all the avocados, it won’t help you find a ripe one every time. But then how to choose it well? This is the question we asked our scoop, and he revealed his various tricks to us. Among the best known are:

  • The color: if the skin is green and shiny, rest the avocado, it is not ripe. For a ready-to-eat avocado, prefer a dark skin. The color must be homogeneous. If it’s still light green at one end, put it back down.
  • The texture: prefer an avocado with textured rather than smooth skin. If it’s smooth and shiny, it won’t be ripe.
  • Appearance: Once you’ve chosen an avocado with dark, rough skin, you can do another check. Gently press the avocado with your thumb in three or four places to see if it is fully ripe all over. Your finger should sink slightly, without leaving a mark on the skin (otherwise it will be too ripe).

He also revealed to us a little-known technique, that of the peduncle. This is the infallible technique for choosing your lawyer. To do this, proceed step by step.

  1. Exert some pressure at the base of the peduncle. The avocado should be neither too soft nor too hard.
  2. Remove the stem and observe the color underneath. If the color is between yellow and light green, the avocado is not yet ripe. On the contrary, if the small circle is black, the avocado will be overripe. Choose a fruit whose color is very green under the peduncle.

You are now a real lawyer pro!
