The trial against Bannon begins

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Born in 1953 into a Democratic working class family in Norfolk, Virginia. After college, he enlisted in the Navy.

After graduating from Harvard Business School, Bannon worked at the investment bank Goldman Sachs. Started own investment company in 1990.

Invested money in the media and film industry and moved to Los Angeles. Made a tribute documentary in 2004 about his political idol, former president Ronald Reagan.

Took over Breitbart News in 2012, a platform for the so-called alt-right movements that are considered to have links to white power groups.

President of the US President Donald Trump’s election campaign in August 2016. After the election victory in November, he was appointed Trump’s chief strategist, with a supposedly large influence on Trump’s isolationist worldview.

Dismissed in August 2017. Returned to Breitbart News and declared war on the Republican political establishment.

Forced to leave Breitbart News in January 2018 after in the author Michael Wolff’s book “Fire and Fury” accused Trump’s son of treason and questioned the president’s mental stability.
