The trailer already turns people into animals

The trailer already turns people into animals

After we had already seen a first short teaser five months ago, Woodwalkers has now released its long trailer and shows what German fantasy can do. Like Harry Potter, the film is based on a popular children’s book series and takes us to a magical school in the wilderness where people can transform into animals. It is the beginning of an entire cinema trilogy that will accompany us over the next few years.

Watch the new trailer for the fantasy film Woodwalkers here

Woodwalkers – Trailer (German) HD

The Harry Potter alternative from Germany: Woodwalkers shows its magic in the trailer

The Woodwalkers phenomenon in Germany can be explained by over 20 children’s books with a mixture of adventure, magic and school that evokes Harry Potter feelings. The bestsellers by fantasy author Katja Brandis tell an independent story, but have numerous Hogwarts parallels, with an enchanting boarding school, (transformation) magic, good and bad teachers, friendships and enmities among students and an ominous villain.

The first volume of Woodwalkers: Carag’s Transformation * serves as the basis for the new film: The young Carag (Emile Chérif) can change between two forms: a human boy and a puma. In order to learn to control this ability better, he comes to a School for Shifters in the American Rocky Mountains, the Clearwater High.

While the wolfish shapeshifter Jeffrey immediately sees him as a rival, Carag also finds good friends like the bison boy Brandon and the red squirrel girl Holly. But what plans does the mysterious Andrew Milling (Oliver Masucci) have for Carag when he tells him that he has to choose between Carnivores and herbivores have to decide?

Studio Canal

Woodwalkers main poster

When will the fantasy film Woodwalkers be released in cinemas?

Woodwalkers comes on October 24, 2024 in German cinemas. The film is the start of an entire fantasy trilogy: Woodwalkers 2 is scheduled to be released on October 23, 2025 and Woodwalkers 3 on October 1, 2026.

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