The traditional Kiveen Hakatut radio series returns to the airwaves with its new summer episodes | Sports in a nutshell

The traditional Kiveen Hakatut radio series returns to the airwaves

During the summer, 15 new stories about athletes and sports influencers will be heard.

The Kiveen Hakatut radio series, which has been made since 2007, returns with the latest episodes on Monday.

The series has been made for 255 episodes over the course of 17 years. This summer, 15 new programs will be heard in the series between July 22 and August 9 on Radio 1. Episodes are heard on weekdays from 13:00 to 13:30.

All new and older episodes of Kiveen Hakattu can also be heard on Areena.

In the Kiveen Hakatut series, we reflect on the lives and careers of Finnish athletes and sports influencers by their gravestones. What kind of thoughts arise when looking at the epitaphs? They are the editors at the gravestones Arto Teronen and Jouko Vuolle.

Kiveen Hakatatut episodes in summer 2024

Mon 22.7. Juhani Salmenkylä

Tue 23.7 Reino Kosonen

Wed 24.7. Eero Tapio

Thu 25.7. Timo Lampen

Fri 26.7. Jaakko Mikkola

Mon 29.7. Arvo Haavisto

Tue 30.7. Algoth Neck

Wed 31.7. Wäinö Korhonen

Thu 1.8. Kari Rahkamo

Fri 2.8. Kalevi Kotkas

Mon 5.8. Cricket Norrlund

Tue 6.8. Edward Westerlund

Wed 7.8. Tapio Mäkelä

Thu 8.8. Rolf Haikkola

Fri 9.8. Yrjö Hakala
