World of Warcraft is soon testing a new feature coming to Dragonflight: the Trading Post. It provides you with monthly quests and a new currency that you can exchange for pets, mounts, and cosmetic gear.
What is this feature? The Trading Post will be a new building in the Horde and Alliance capitals, Orgrimmar and Stormwind. The traders set up their camps quite centrally: outside the mage district or right next to Grommash Keep.
You will find new vendors at the trading post that you can shop from and view their displays on mannequins, in the stable, or directly in the shop.
What rewards are there? You can buy purely cosmetic rewards from the trading post. This includes:
The offers only last one month. However, Blizzard states that everything can come back at a later date as well. So there is no true “FOMO” and only limited exclusivity.
You can find all new mounts in WoW Dragonflight and how to get them on MeinMMO. In the video we show you the rarest mounts of the MMORPG:
6 Of The Rarest Mounts In WoW – Do You Own Them?
A monthly “Battle Pass” for mounts, pets and transmog
How do I get the rewards? For the trading post, you need a new currency: merchant currencies. You can get this in two ways:
The currency will be credited to you on the 1st of each month – or on the first day you have game time again if it expired at the beginning of the month. Everyone receives the same amount of foreign currency.
The tasks work similar to the Hearthstone Battle Pass. You have various challenges like reviving players, showing affection or drinking Zanzil’s slow-acting poison. Earned foreign exchange also ends up in the chest at the trading post.
When is the feature going live? The new feature is still being tested on the PTR and may still receive changes there, for example on the Battle Pass. The trading post is supposed to be available there “soon”, but we don’t know yet when it will come to the live servers.
How do you like the idea of the new feature?