the tournament should be played in July-August 2025

the tournament should be played in July August 2025

The Confederation of African Football (CAF) has given its agreement in principle for the next African Cup to be held in July-August 2025 in Morocco. A way of not hindering the first 32-team Club World Cup scheduled for June 2025.

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At the beginning of February, the president of CAF, Patrice Motsepe, refused to give a date for the CAN postponed after having initially been scheduled for January-February 2025. Its holding in summer will take place while the International Federation (Fifa) organizes its first major 32-team Club World Cup from June 15 to July 13 in the United States.

Playoffs awaiting…

On Monday, an official from the committee in charge of competitions told AFP on condition of anonymity that there was “ an agreement in principle between CAF and the Moroccan Football Federation for the CAN to be held during the summer, more precisely in July and August » 2025.

This agreement was reached under the aegis of Fifa after talks that began several months ago and which intensified during the last edition concluded this month in Ivory Coast.“, he continued.

The dates currently offered are July 20 to August 16 or 17, 2025 “, he concluded.

The two previous CANs have already been postponed. CAN 2021 was played in January-February 2022 in Cameroon, and the latest African Cup, still officially called CAN 2023, began on January 13 in Ivory Coast before being won by the host country A week ago.

Furthermore, qualifications for CAN 2025 have still not started. A preliminary round is scheduled from March 18 to 26 according to the CAF calendar.

CAN2027 must be organized in three countries, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
