the “total peace” questioned in Colombia?

the total peace questioned in Colombia

After death of nine soldiers in an attack attributed by the Colombian army to the guerrillas of the ELN (the Army of national liberation) Wednesday, March 29, the press of the country wonders about the future of the plan of “total peace” wanted by the president of left, Gustavo Petro.

The soldiers, seven of whom were doing their military service, were killed amid of at night, on a military base near of the border with Venezuela, an area where several armed groups operate: the ELN, but also ofs dissidents ofs Farc (the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, which had signed an agreement in 2016 of peace with the government), and ofs drug traffickers.

The ELN is the only armed group in the country not to have accepted the ceasefire proposed at the end of December by President Gustavo Petro, remember El Tiempo. And today, the organization involves ” there ” total peace promised by Petro during his campaign last year oflast. This plan of peace with the armed groups had already been weakened after the announcement of the end of the truce with the Gulf Clan criminal group ten days ago, the newspaper points out. After this attack, the most serious ofthen coming to power of Gustavo Petro in August 2022, the President convened a meeting on Monday March 27 of all participants in the negotiations of peace. The Spectator ensures, however, that the government did not plan of end discussions at this point.

► To read also: Colombia: police officers held 24 hours by the indigenous guard after a demonstration

Peru permanently withdraws its ambassador to Colombia

The Peruvian government confirmed on Wednesday the final withdrawal of his ambassador in Bogotá. The diplomat had already been recalled for consultation in December, remember El Comercioin the face of “interference and the “offensive” statements of Colombian President Gustavo Petro (in the words of the Peruvian government, reported by La Republica. The weekend ofFinally, during the Ibero-American summit in the Dominican Republic, Gustavo Petro assured that ousted President Pedro Castillo should have been present with the other heads of state, instead of being in prison. of the state of left is on remand ofthen he tried of dissolve Parliament in December oflast.

Indictments in Mexico after the fatal fire in a center of detention

Oftwo days after the fire which cost the life of 39 migrants in a center of detention in Ciudad Juarez, on the border between Mexico and the United States, criticisms fuse against the Mexican government. ” A deadly policy », title the Diary ofthe Yucatána regional newspaper, which shares ofs criticism of the statements of President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador. Leader of the State has indeed assured that ofs migrants had started the fire, a way of blame the people who were detained in the center, believe ofs Mexican associations.

The newspaper Milenio denounces that the oftwo chiefs of the national institute ofs migrations to Ciudad Juarez had no experience in migration matters: what can we expect of someone who has been in charge of the federal prison system “, if it is not a form ofcriminalization ofs migrants asks a former ambassador in a column in this daily. The government ” who proclaims himself a humanist and defender of national sovereignty ” has accepted of receive ” free » deported migrants ofs United States, he tackles. A “moral defeat”according to him.

Review Process points to the cacophony of the authorities, and the quarrel of personal ambitions of the minister and local leaders concerned, who instead of worrying about the tragedy of the migrants, seemed at first more preoccupied with activities in view of the general elections next year.

Eight people have been charged with “ homicide ” in this case, according to the prosecution, which is looking of the person who started the fire. President Lopez Obrador promised on Wednesday that all necessary investigations were underway.

On March 29, nearly of 1,000 people crossed the border illegally on foot, ofthen Ciudad Juarez to the United States. The American authorities assure that these migrants will be quickly expelled.

Deadly passion for AR-15s in the United States

The killing in a school of Nashville (Tennessee) Monday, March 27 once again revives the debate on firearms in the United States. Ofthen the start of the week, the washington post devote an extensive investigation to one weapon in particular: the AR-15 semi-automatic rifle. It represents almost a quarter of all weapons made in the United Statesand it is heavily used in gunfights of masses who mourn the country at regular intervals, details the daily of the capital. The last attack of Nashville is no exception. This rifle, initially designed for military use in the field of battle, was used ten times during ofs 17 deadliest shootings there ofthen 2012, explains the newspaper.

Today a American in twentyof at least one copy. An impressive figure, all the more so when we know that this weapon literally “rips” bodies, in the words of the washington post. It can be seen in a very realistic 3D infographicproduced by the daily newspaper, which also gives voice to ofs surgeons, idle in the face of the scale ofs damage caused by the AR-15.

► To read also: United States: deadly shootings in a school in Nashville, Tennessee
