The top sweetest fruits

The top sweetest fruits

While fruit is an integral part of a balanced diet, weight watchers and diabetics should choose those with the lowest sugar content.

Fruits no longer have to prove their health benefits: rich in vitamins and minerals, they participate in the proper functioning of the body. And thanks to their fibers, fruits are the allies of a good transit. They also participate in the maintenance of the bacterial flora. However, some should be consumed in moderation.

On the same subject

With the arrival of summer, do you want to enjoy the freshness of seasonal fruits? Be careful to choose them well: some are sweeter than others and quickly increase calories.

No worries, in the field of nutrition, the important thing is to find a balance. The timing of consumption should also be taken into consideration. Although bananas contain 14.8g of sugars per 100g of fruit, they help boost your energy when enjoyed after a physical activity.

What are the risks of consuming a lot of sweet fruit?

Some fruits are still too high in sugars and lack fiber.

Mangoes, cherries, avocados, grapes and even pineapple have high sugar levels. Eat in excess, these quickly digested foods can increase the risk of blood sugar spikes.

Without some vigilance, your insulin resistance, your level of fatigue, your cravings and your weight can pay off in the long run. It’s all about moderation.

The most healthy fruits are citrus (oranges, grapefruit, lemons), red fruits (strawberries, raspberries, currants …) which contain only 7 to 10% sugar.

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la banane

© Shutterstock / Paulo Vilela

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The banana
Consumed all year round, bananas are famous for their good supply of vitamins, potassium, magnesium and fiber, but also sugar (around 15g per 100g). For athletes, it is a snack of choice to provide energy before, during or after physical activity.
