The top of baby strollers

The top of baby strollers

Compact and light, the cane stroller is very practical as an extra stroller and for going for walks with your baby. Double, birth approved or equipped with a reclining seat … Follow the guide to find the model adapted to your needs.

With the arrival of baby, the purchase of a stroller is of course an obligatory passage. Indispensable for moving easily and safely with your child, a stroller can be used from an early age (in pram version) and up to 3 or 4 years old. The cane stroller is a second age stroller, suitable for babies from 9 months to 3 years old (approximately 15 kg). Very light and compact, it is perfectly suited to urban families who have little space to store it. Indeed, this type of model folds up on itself and then stands upright, like a cane, from which it takes its name. The child sits there facing the road and must be able to sit up himself.

But how do you choose the right pushchair model for you? Several criteria must be taken into account. The first concerns the size and folding of the model. It should be quick and easy, so as not to waste time opening and folding the stroller. It may be useful to check its dimensions when folded, for example in order to store it in a closet or car trunk. In the same vein, the weight of the stroller is an important criterion. The main advantage of this type of model is indeed to be light, to carry it under the arm when folded. Comfort must also be taken into account, so that your child is comfortable there: padding, height of the frame, attachment system, inclination of the backrest, are all elements to be examined carefully. Accessories can also contribute to optimal comfort, both for you and for baby: retractable protection against rain and sun, safety arch, or even a storage basket. Finally, it is good to check that the model meets French or European safety requirements: therefore check for the presence of the words “NF S 54001” or “EN 1888”.
