The top most acidic foods (other than lemon)

The top most acidic foods other than lemon

Excess acidity is bad for our body. Find out which foods are the most acidic.

To function properly, our body must be in a zone of pH balanced, neither too low nor too high, i.e. neither too acidic nor too basic (or alkaline). This acid-base balance largely depends on the diet. Thanks to the presence of buffer systems, the body is able on its own to neutralize excess acidity or alkalinity and to maintain the pH value (potential Hydrogen) in balance.

On the same subject

THE acidic foods (ACI) are foods naturally rich in acidic compounds, such as lemon. Besides these acidic foods, there are acidifying foods. Their taste is not acidic but they generate acids during the body’s metabolism processes. A balanced diet should contain 1/5 acids and 4/5 bases.

However, if our buffer systems are overwhelmed, acidification is at the origin of pathologies, in particular of inflammatory origin such asarthritis. It is also necessary to moderate the consumption of acidifying foods.. This does not mean that all acidifying foods should be eliminated, but that their acidifying action should be counterbalanced by reducing the quantities and combining them with more alkaline foods (vegetables except acidic or acidifying vegetables, soft fruits and ripe like bananas, non-acidic apples, etc.).


  • Christopher Vasey, The acid-base balanceEditions Jouvence, 2013
  • Alix Lefief-Delcourt, My bible of healing foods, Editions Leduc.s, 2016
