The top 10 smartest dog breeds

The top 10 smartest dog breeds

The Labrador makes an excellent guide to the blind, while the best police dogs are often German Shepherds. A dog’s intelligence, however, is difficult to define. What does science say and which races are the smartest?

When we talk aboutintelligence of the dog, the most difficult thing is to agree on the notion of intelligence. ” Most people consider the dogs are more smart than cats because they obey human orders better. But it’s not quite the same “, warns Frans de Waal, a biologist at the University of Atlanta, in the New York Times.

In 2016, researchers from London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and Mark Adams of the University of Edinburgh have created a IQ test for dogs, including for example navigation (time taken to reach food placed behind different types of barriers), the ability to distinguish between different amounts of food or to follow the gesture of a human pointing at an object. They found that, as for IQ tests in humans, dogs that do well on one type of test tend to do better on others as well. ” It means that the intelligence of the dog is structured like ours says Rosalind Arden, who led the study.

But there are many differences between races. A 2019 study suggests, for example, that large dogs are smarter than small ones. According to researchers, small dogs have a smaller brain and therefore struggle more when they have to remember the location of a treat hidden under a cup or resist the temptation to pounce on forbidden food. Corn brain size does not do everything. In 1994, Canadian psychologist Stanley Coren established in a book titled The intelligence of dogsthree types of intelligence:

  • innate intelligence, determined by race;
  • adaptive intelligence, that is to say what the dog learns from its environment to solve problems;
  • working intelligence, the ability to learn and obey humans.

Due to their natural instinct, some dog breeds are thus particularly gifted for a particular type of task. Terriers make excellent hunting dogs, the border collie is an admirable herding dog, the poodle is particularly good at acrobatics and the Australian Shepherd is able to remember hundreds of words. According to the specialist, 51% of a dog’s intelligence is linked to genetic and 49% to its environment. He thus established a ranking of the most intelligent dog breeds, based on the evaluations of 199 canine judges in the United States and Canada. It should be noted that of the 79 breeds studied, the Afghan Hound comes dead last.

1. Border collies

Chaser, an American Border Collie who died in 2019, has been recognized as the smartest dog in the world, able to identify 1,022 toys by their name and to find them according to their name and their category, and even to understand sentences. Originally herding dog, the border collie is very receptive to education and affectionate. However, he requires great availability and needs to be constantly stimulated physically and intellectually.

2. Poodle

Playful, the poodle easily learns complex tricks and can understand hundreds of words. This is why it is often found in performances such as the circus. Tireless and very suitable for family life, the poodle should not be left alone for too long or risk becoming depressed.

3. German Shepherd

Identified with the police dog, the German shepherd is versatile and learns quickly. Also used as a guard dog, search dog or assistance dog, he is faithful and applies the instructions he is taught to the letter. However, care must be taken to socialize it well during its education so as not to make it aggressive.

4. Golden retriever

Recognized for his abilities as a search, rescue and guide dog for the blind, the Golden retriever loves the water and long walks. He has a strong ability to mobilize his attention, a good memory, calmness and self-control. If he excels at learning through play and positive reinforcement, he has difficulty withstanding punishments and unfair situations.


Despite its impressive look and reputation as a fierce dog, the Doberman is very gentle, especially with children. However, he must be educated firmly from an early age to teach him to control his natural distrust of strangers. He is also an emotional dog who does not appreciate the commotion around him.

6. Shetland Sheepdog

Initially used as a herding dog, the Shetland Sheepdog is easy to train and obedient. Very popular in canine sports such as agility competitions, he is very playful and well suited to family life. He nevertheless needs to exert himself and does not support the separation.

7. Labrador retriever

Favorite companion of the Presidents of the Republic and guide dog for the blind ideal, the Labrador is appreciated for its vitality, its kindness and its loyalty. Its very good smell and his intelligence also make him a popular dog for police and rescue services. The Labrador needs to be stimulated intellectually and hates loneliness and boredom.

8. Papillon Spaniel

This little dog with long drooping ears has an extraordinary ability to learn and easily adapts to any situation. Lively, balanced and obedient, he is often used as a therapy dog ​​and as a pet for the elderly. But it is also an athletic dog who enjoys hiking and jogging.

9. Rottweiler

The Rottweiller is worth much more than its image as a fierce fighting dog. His aggressiveness comes from a bad upbringing, when he was not taught to overcome his natural protective instinct. Well trained, he is very loyal and gentle. Its excellent flair also makes it a good police dog.

10. Australian Shepherd

Originally used for herding flocks, the Australian Shepherd is a cross between the dingo (a breed of wild dog) and English sheepdogs (especially the collie). Easy to educate, docile, he can however prove to be stubborn and needs a master capable of opposing him resistance.

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