The time between crime and punishment is short: “Faster prosecution”

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Now the waiting time between crime and sentence will be shorter for certain crime types, with the “faster prosecution” method. It must be used for crimes that result in a maximum of three years in prison and where the suspect remains at the scene of the crime.

– For the suspect, this means that witnesses do not have to worry while waiting for the trial. As for the district court, those who are to be heard have better memories, says Joakim Svensson who is a judge in the Malmö district court.

It will be introduced next year throughout the country, but has already been tested in Malmö. Drunk driving, minor drug offences, thefts and simple cases of assault are examples of crimes where faster prosecution has been used.

It produced such a positive result that the authorities would like it to cover more types of crime, not least because it makes it more difficult for suspects to avoid trial.

Hear what the risks of the new legislation could be in the player above.
